Don't Leave Your Body Behind

Don't leave my body behind? What does that mean? It's my body. I take it everywhere I go. Well, what it means is to be aware of using your body as a balanced system. So often, in our busy lives, parts of our bodies weaken, and we just let them weaken.

It makes me think of a strong parent and a weak toddler who is just learning to walk. We slow down enough for them to keep up with us, because we know that soon, we won't have to go quite so slowly.

But, what about our own relationships with our own bodies? When we notice that we are getting weak in one area, we often try to compensate for it by making another area of our body do more work. It's exhausting when you don't have a balanced relationship amongst the different parts of your body. Think about how exhausting it was to carry an infant or toddler around everywhere--just waiting for them to get capable enough to walk along beside us.

Let's start thinking about our bodies that way. If one leg or arm is weak, slow down enough to let it catch up to the stronger parts of our bodies. Don't just demand that our stronger parts enable our weaker parts. Our body is a system that needs to work together to be strong and capable to help us not feel broken and overwhelmed.

Let's check in with our own selves and see if there are any parts of us that feel a bit disconnected or weak, and lets give those parts the time they need to strengthen and help us through our lives. That's what I mean when I say, "Don't leave your body behind."